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Please register if you are a new customer. Rocaflor delivers exclusively to companies. If you already have an account, please login.

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Meerlandenweg 58, 1187 ZR, Amstelveen
CONTACT? Bel +31 (0) 20 - 64 04 880

Shipping Methods

There are several ways in which we have the possibility to move our products to you.

1. Per DPD package (prices are per indication):

Belgium € 15,-

Germany € 15,- 

Luxemburg € 15,-

France € 21,50

Spain € 35,-

Portugal € 35,-

Delivery will take place between Monday and Friday, during regular opening hours of the specific country. If delivery times are limited and / or restricted access occurs; alternative shipping willl be necessary. Rates will be upon request. We kindly request you to inform us in advance, to find the best solution for a suitable shipping method.

Conditions for DPD Shipments:

  • No fragile collection
  • Weight per package <30 kg
  • Maximum length 1,70 mtr
  • Maximum packet size 3 m (= 2 x length + 2 x width + 1 x Height)

For shipment, different from above mentioned conditions: 
On pallet base : rates on request
Or shipment by your own forwarder (for trucks: loading dock available at our warehouse)

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